Ralph Maliphant
APNT (reg'd), BCMA
Rosen Method Bodywork
My Specialities
Rosen Method Bodywork
Therapeutic Massage
My Story
My entry into bodywork came after an extensive career in Scientific Research, Computer Systems Development and Care Work. I was Principal of a Crisis and Support Centre for a time, and worked in various therapeutic communities following two-years training in Humanistic Psychology.
After my ‘retirement’ in 2003, I trained as a massage therapist at the Maitri Foundation and then completed an advanced year with Darien Pritchard to learn the skills of Dynamic Bodywork. My wife is a psychotherapist and we have a shared interest in body-mind interaction, developed over 30+ years.
During massage training, I was involved in researching the physical counterpart of emotional disturbance and this helped pave my way to Rosen Method Bodywork (described as a gentle approach to working with mind in body and body as mind). I was immediately struck by the effective simplicity of this compassionate touch which reaches beyond the strictures to release emotions held for so long in taut tissues, a process that, over time, enables us to discover an inner knowing through which we become more able to express our true self.
I am passionately interested in helping others on this path, having discovered great benefits for myself: as Pablo Picasso said, “It takes a long time to grow young.”
I was Chair of the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists in 2012-13, following several years on the Executive, and have published various research articles in professional journals. Reading and writing still occupies much of my time and spontaneous poetry developed into a valuable means of self-discovery over the years.
I work with adults of all ages, including older people suffering from degenerative conditions. I am happy to discuss further through any of the forms of contact provided, or you can make an appointment by phone for treatment at the clinic or in your own home.
If you would like to learn more, please feel free to check-out my website:
What is Rosen Method Bodywork?
Rosen Method Bodywork is a very gentle procedure that works with tensions in the body which build up over a lifetime. Under stress, our muscles prepare for action, ready for fight or flight, accompanied by changes in our breathing and heartbeat to supply the necessary energy.
Animals in the wild depend on this automatic process for their life, but we adapt to other people’s requirements, developing habitual tensions to hold ourselves together. Although necessary when vulnerable (particularly in childhood), the constrictions limit us, keeping us hidden when we would like to be seen.
Rosen Method Bodywork provides a way of unravelling the tensions over time to reconnect with the hidden self: gentle touch and connection in a safe environment help us discover more of ourselves, freeing natural healing processes and leading to a renewal of the self on all levels.
Therapeutic Massage is useful for relieving physical pain resulting from recent activity or long-term habits. It also provides a great experience of relaxation which helps with emotional distress.
Dynamic Bodywork is incorporated in my approach, involving the whole body to generate power and movement. A guided elbow or knuckle provides localised pressure when required and a forearm may be swept rhythmically over larger areas to enhance a sense of interconnectedness throughout the body. The technique is both dynamic and relaxed, providing optimal benefits.
For more information, please see these websites:
My Qualifications
Therapeutic Massage Diploma 2004 (Maitri Foundation - 1 year)
Dynamic Bodywork Training 2005 (Darien Pritchard - 1 year)
Rosen Method Bodywork Intern 2012 (Rosen Method UK - 3 years)

My Hours & Pricing
I am available for appointments at the Nailsworth Natural Health Centre on Tuesdays from 2pm-6pm, and by arrangement.
My prices are as follows:
First appointment (1¼ hours): £45
Follow-up appointments:
½ hour: £25
1 hour: £45
1½ hours: £60
If you would like to book an appointment, please get in touch.