Julia Rous 
My Specialities 
General dis-ease 
Aches, pain, stiffness, fatigue, brain fog 
New and old injuries 
Stagnation in the lymph and digestion supporting the body to Detox 
This hands-on technique consists of a series of movements on the complete musculature of the body, from head to toe. 
It is designed to realign each and every muscle, open joints , release fascia and separate ligaments. The increase in flow of blood, oxygen and lymphatic fluids throughout the system stimulates the body to begin the process of detoxifying, restoring and healing. 
My Hours & Pricing 
Initial session will involve a brief consultation each treatment usually takes an hour. 
I ask you to commit to the first 3 treatments within a 10 day period this is imperative to stimulate the body into action. 
A reassessment will be made at the end of this initial course as to the clients objectives and based on their individual response to the treatment.